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How to maintain and store Chinese herbal pieces?

From:  Release Time:2020/2/23 17:55:17 

How to maintain and store Chinese herbal pieces? Anhui boyao Qiancao National Medicine Co., Ltd~

How to maintain and store Chinese herbal pieces? What are the general requirements for the warehouse of Chinese herbal pieces? What are the storage conditions for different pieces of traditional Chinese medicine? Anhui boyao Qiancao National Medicine Co., Ltd~

The maintenance methods of Chinese herbal pieces include lime drying method, alcohol pest control method, chemical insecticide method (sulfur fumigation method), controlled atmosphere method, anti storage method and cold storage method. In general, the storehouse of traditional Chinese medicine should be dry and ventilated, avoid direct sunlight, the indoor temperature should not exceed 20 ℃, the relative humidity should be 35% - 75%, and the water content of decoction pieces should be controlled below 13% (except for special pieces).

1. The medicinal materials containing more starch, such as Alisma orientalis, Chinese yam, Pueraria lobata, Astragalus membranaceus, etc. should be dried in time after being cut into pieces, and stored in a ventilated, dry and cool place to prevent moth and moisture.
2. For the medicinal materials containing more volatile oil, such as peppermint, Angelica sinensis, Aucklandia, chuanxiong, etc., after being cut into pieces, the drying temperature should be less than 30 ℃. If it is higher than 30 ℃, the effective ingredients will be lost. If the temperature is too high, it is easy to lose the aroma or oil, and if the temperature is too high, it is easy to absorb moisture, mildew and moth. Therefore, it should be stored in a cool and dry place.
3. The decoction pieces containing more sugar and mucus, such as Cistanche deserticola, Rehmannia glutinosa, asparagus japonicus, Codonopsis pilosula, etc., are not easy to dry after processing. They are easy to become soft and sticky in high temperature and humidity environment, and are easy to be polluted. Therefore, they should be stored in a ventilated and dry place.
4. Seed medicinal materials, such as purple perilla seed, cypress seed, Raphani seed, coix seed, should be stored in closed tanks and tanks to prevent insect damage and rat bite.
5. All wine prepared pieces, such as Angelica sinensis, Changshan, rhubarb, vinegar prepared pieces, such as Wuhua, Euphorbia officinalis, Cyperus kansui, etc., are stored in closed containers in a cool place.
6. Salt baked pieces, such as Alisma orientalis, Anemarrhena asphodeloides, plantain seeds, Morinda officinalis, etc., are easy to absorb moisture in the air and become soft due to moisture. If the temperature is high, the water will be lost and salt will be precipitated. Therefore, it should be stored in a closed container and placed in a ventilated and dry place to prevent moisture.
7. Honey roasted decoction pieces, such as Tussilago farfara, liquorice, loquat leaves, etc., have a large amount of sugar after processing, which is difficult to dry, especially prone to moisture softening or conglutination, and easy to be polluted, moth eaten, moldy and rat bitten. They should be stored in tanks and tanks, sealed as far as possible to avoid moisture absorption, and stored in a ventilated and dry place for maintenance.
8. Some mineral pieces, such as borax and mirabilite, are easy to lose crystal water and weathering in dry air. Therefore, they should be stored in sealed tanks and kept in a cool place.
The above is about "how to maintain and store Chinese herbal pieces?" If you are looking for Anhui boyao Qiancao National Medicine Co., Ltd., please contact us!